Thursday, April 8, 2010

Ready for the car...when can I come home?

Lily passed her carseat test! That really just means that she can be positioned in the correct carseat angle for a half an hour and not have any respiratory or heart rate issues. Doesn't she look like a tiny nugget in this huge carseat? At the time the pic was taken (2 days ago? the days blur together now), she wasn't quite 5 lbs. But as of last night at her 8 pm weigh in, she was 5 lbs 1.6 oz. She is gaining more everyday.

Unfortunately, she is still having some trouble coordinating her breathing and heart rate, mostly while feeding, but occasionally while sleeping, since the doctors have taken her off caffeine. We were hoping that she might be able to come home this weekend, but the doctor told us this morning not to expect that and to give her a little more time. Disappointing news for sure, but Lily is in good hands at the St. Mary's NICU. I just have to keep reminding myself of that!


  1. She does look so little in the car seat, but bigger than when we saw her last :) I also have trouble coordinating by breathing and heart rate when I am feeding -- tell the doc I think, in my professional opinion, she is way ahead of her time. :) Love you guys!!!

  2. Yeah for the car seat! I have a pic on my blog of Nora doing the same thing!

    You have a good attitude about everything. It would be worse to come home and then have to return if she was still having trouble at home. Better to keep her there until you are free and clear. Keep your energy up and you will be home soon I hope!

  3. What a tiny peanut!! I hope everything is going well at home. Can't wait to meet her!

