Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Labor Day Weekend - Saturday

Lily and I were on our own on Saturday as Kyle joined Barry at the Michigan Football game. Daddy's loss - we had a great time. Our morning started off with breakfast from What the Truck - a yummy egg scramble that Lily and I shared and loved!

She might be reaching for more food here...not sure...

Then we were off to the farmers market to get her favorite - BLUEBERRIES! I had to give her some RIGHT then.

After the farmers market we headed to the library to pick up some books. Kyle and I are getting quite tired of reading the ones she has out over and over. She picked ones out all by herself, including one about Big Rigs....interesting.

But we really like to come to the library to play with the puzzles. She is great at taking the pieces out, not so great about putting them back in the right spot....

Doesn't she look like a big girl here?

After the library we headed over the children's museum. They had a watercolor project there from 10 - noon. Good thing we are members so we can pop in for an hour. Lily did such a good job "painting" - really using a bingo dabber filled with colored water.

The finished master piece will be hanging in my office soon!

After all that, we still got in a nap (for Lily), ice cream (both of us), haircut (Lily), and went and visited our friends the Wiltjers. What a fun and eventful day!