Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Wordy Wednesday - Late Valentines Day.

The important thing is that I take pictures ON the holidays, not that I make sure you people see them timely...right? Here is my funny little valentine.

Yes - she is eating her sock. Isn't it cute? KK sent that.

Yeah Valentine's Day! Mommy came home early and took me to the mall to play on the giant breakfast food! I like holding myself up on the waffle and staring at all of the crazies who come tearing through there. (Daddy was sick, so I was Mommy's valentine).

Grammie sent me a puzzle book for Valentine's Day. Here I am enjoying it!


  1. OMG she's getting so big!!! Love the pics!

  2. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the outfit!!! And Lillie is adorable as usual!!!!!

  3. The pictures are great, and I love the valentines outfit. What a perfect valentine. :)
