Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Labor Day Weekend - Saturday

Lily and I were on our own on Saturday as Kyle joined Barry at the Michigan Football game. Daddy's loss - we had a great time. Our morning started off with breakfast from What the Truck - a yummy egg scramble that Lily and I shared and loved!

She might be reaching for more food here...not sure...

Then we were off to the farmers market to get her favorite - BLUEBERRIES! I had to give her some RIGHT then.

After the farmers market we headed to the library to pick up some books. Kyle and I are getting quite tired of reading the ones she has out over and over. She picked ones out all by herself, including one about Big Rigs....interesting.

But we really like to come to the library to play with the puzzles. She is great at taking the pieces out, not so great about putting them back in the right spot....

Doesn't she look like a big girl here?

After the library we headed over the children's museum. They had a watercolor project there from 10 - noon. Good thing we are members so we can pop in for an hour. Lily did such a good job "painting" - really using a bingo dabber filled with colored water.

The finished master piece will be hanging in my office soon!

After all that, we still got in a nap (for Lily), ice cream (both of us), haircut (Lily), and went and visited our friends the Wiltjers. What a fun and eventful day!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011


So far Lily can say:


Anyone notice a word she is missing? That's right...Mama.

I know she loves me...but it would be nice to hear her say Mama. I am sure all the Moms out there are thinking once they start you hear "Mom mom mom mom mom mom mom" all the time. So I guess I will be patient and enjoy the big smiles that she gets when she sees me, even if she doesn't have the words yet.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Our Day with the Rogers

Finger painting fun! I am not really sure that Lily enjoyed it - but now I have some beautiful paintings for my office!
This time we were strapped into a highchair so we couldn't just get down whenever we felt like it. Learned this lesson the hard way at the children's museum. Let's just say there was orange paint everywhere!

You can tell by this ripped peice of paper that Lily isn't so gentle with the paper at this point. She would prefer to rip it or ball it up to painting...maybe I should make that the craft project - different colors of balled up paper in a vase?

"Can I PLEASE get out now?!?!"

Elliott was painting with a paintbrush, but when he saw that Lily might not know how to do fingerpainting, he offered to show her. What a big helper!

Don't worry - his smock was green before he started :)

Owen slept through the facepainting, but still got to have plenty of fun with the kids. Lily kept pointing at him and saying "baby" even though he is as big as she is! She kept wanting to hug him like he was one of her baby dolls. And if you've seen her with those, you know that Owen wasn't about to sit around and let that happen!

It cracked me up that Elliott and Lily chose to play in this tiny corner! Elliott would hide there and Lily would of course crawl after him and then laugh when she found him. I say crawl because that is still primarily what she is doing. She did take a few independent steps on Friday, June 1oth, and Kyle says we are counting that as the first day she walked. And she will take a few steps still (June 18 is when I am posting this), but not really walking unless she is holding onto something.

Look at that cute baby smile!

We had a lot of fun Rogers! Thanks for having us over!!!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Lily at P&M daycare

Lily (on the right) with her friend Liv. Lily loves that baby doll, affectionately referred to by Mom as Creepy Baby.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Birthday Girl

Lily had her first birthday on March 22! She was sick, so we didn't have a big party. But she did get to try a cupcake. Here are some pics and a short video. We found out the next day that she had an ear infection and RSV so that is why she doesn't look as happy as she normally does - but she is on the mend!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Wordy Wednesday - Late Valentines Day.

The important thing is that I take pictures ON the holidays, not that I make sure you people see them timely...right? Here is my funny little valentine.

Yes - she is eating her sock. Isn't it cute? KK sent that.

Yeah Valentine's Day! Mommy came home early and took me to the mall to play on the giant breakfast food! I like holding myself up on the waffle and staring at all of the crazies who come tearing through there. (Daddy was sick, so I was Mommy's valentine).

Grammie sent me a puzzle book for Valentine's Day. Here I am enjoying it!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Video Thursday

For Lisa - our biggest fan. :D