So I had to fast for 12 hours before this test. Fortunately they let me come in right at 7 am so that most of this fasting time is while sleeping. I know I have plenty of reserves, but I think someone TELLING you that you can't eat makes you wake up at 4 am starving.
I got here at 7, they drew my blood (said my blood sugar level was at 95) and then made me drink this orange glucose drink. Then they make you sit and wait in the lobby. They will draw my blood again at 8:11, 9:11, and 10:11. So I have to sit here for 3 hours....awesome. For the first hour they ask that I sit in the direct waiting room since this drink can make me nauseous and sleepy. Sounds like a blast! Have already met some interesting people...
Who wouldn't ask complete strangers if after they are done with their blood test if they will give them a ride home - on 28th street? (We are downtown by the way so even if you are going that way, this is a 15 - 20 minute inconvenience). She is offering $5. When I tell her that I have to be here for the next 3 hours, she asks if I can take her IN BETWEEN my blood draws. Uh, no, lady.
8:13 - Just got back from my second blood draw. Don't worry, they alternate arms (isn't that comforting?). And now I am allowed to have small sips of water. Yummy. New wave of people.
No, I am not Lorna - thanks for asking. "Push It" ringtone - classic.
If you could stop talking about what you are going to get at McDonalds when you leave, that would be awesome. Some people don't get to eat for another 2 hours.
Yes there are several open chairs but I would LOVE it if you came and sat RIGHT next to me.
Curse my love of pasta that got me into this situation!
9:18 - Third blood draw done. Getting pretty hungry now..Almost desolate here.
9:48 - wonder if it is normal to feel very sleepy right now...will Google it. Found another blogger who said she was wiped out. Guess it is normal.
10:13 - Done! Now off to get McDonalds (damn you no named patient) before I get the results.
You are so cute!! Love the play by play! Love you!