I am almost to 29 weeks (this Sunday!) and so I ususally take a picture of my belly today with my friend Indy. Well she is out sick today AND my camera is dead. BUT I did dress especially cute today in honor of picture day, so I asked another friend Tessa if she would take a picture with her camera. I didn't get all cute for nothing...but now that I have talked up the cuteness, I hope I can deliver. Anyway - those pics will come later. I guess you will have to settle for a blast from the past and an update on the week.

Had both a gluscose test and a doctor's appointment this week. My Dr.'s appt wasn't scheduled until 2:30, but I had a meeting at work that went from 12 - 2, where they were serving lunch. My doc said that I should be able to get from my meeting to the lab in her office downstairs (15 mins away) for the glucose and then up to her office for the 2:30 appt. She told me to just eat a "normal lunch" and to not eat it RIGHT before the test.
Question: Is a Fazoli's pasta bar at noon normal and far enough away from the test? Pasta is carbs and carbs are sugar right? Sounds dangerous. So I asked the person who set up the lunch if I could eat first (I am sure she was skeptic of my story at first - I mean who doesn't WANT to be the first one at the pasta bar, but once I fully explained she was extra accomodating. Thanks Becky!).
Everyone I told before hand that I was getting a glucose test done was slightly worrying me about the taste - how nasty it was,etc. Well, I wouldn't really know the taste all that well since I pounded the maybe 8 oz drink like I was doing a Yager bomb. See I was stressing that I only had 5 minutes to get up to the doctor, check in, pee in a cup, etc. Contrary to what people think, I don't enjoy being late. I just somehow am - a lot. Anyway, we rush up there only to sit and wait for the doc for 40 mins. But you know and I know that the one time I am late they are going to make me reschedule. So I still feel good about my chugging decision.
My appointment went well and we got to hear Lily's heart again - that never gets old. She sounded kind of hopped up on sugar, but that may have just been me thinking that. Doc said she sounded in a normal range. I am measuring a bit big for the number of weeks I am - I went in at 28 weeks 3 days and measured at 30 weeks. Couple of possibilities for this - I cook babies fast (that is what I think), Kyle and I make big babies, or I could cool it a little bit on the extra calories. Either way, it's not anything to worry about and I will keep you posted on her size.
Well this blog entry has been long enough. For those of you not asleep yet, here is the blast from the past picture I promised. Enjoy!
I am loving your baby commentary! Chugging like a Jager bomb?! Priceless. And you should think about patenting your baby cooker. Who doesn't like a speedy pregnancy? Love it!
ReplyDeleteSo why does the post-it sign say 23?? Did I miss something???