Sunday, February 28, 2010
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
You may have noticed that we have added a countdown to baby on the top of our blog. But I also have a great countdown in my office. My BFF Heather had her class make me a countdown paper chain!
As you can see, it started on the far side of my bookshelf, but it is already almost to the top of that side!! Not only does it countdown to Lily, but it also has other significant dates on there - Kyle's Birthday (March 11), St. Patty's Day, my birthday, Heather and Patrick's Anniversary and the big one - APRIL 15!! Thanks to Heather and her students for brightening my days here at work.
Friday, February 19, 2010
Week 28
I am almost to 29 weeks (this Sunday!) and so I ususally take a picture of my belly today with my friend Indy. Well she is out sick today AND my camera is dead. BUT I did dress especially cute today in honor of picture day, so I asked another friend Tessa if she would take a picture with her camera. I didn't get all cute for nothing...but now that I have talked up the cuteness, I hope I can deliver. Anyway - those pics will come later. I guess you will have to settle for a blast from the past and an update on the week.

Had both a gluscose test and a doctor's appointment this week. My Dr.'s appt wasn't scheduled until 2:30, but I had a meeting at work that went from 12 - 2, where they were serving lunch. My doc said that I should be able to get from my meeting to the lab in her office downstairs (15 mins away) for the glucose and then up to her office for the 2:30 appt. She told me to just eat a "normal lunch" and to not eat it RIGHT before the test.
Question: Is a Fazoli's pasta bar at noon normal and far enough away from the test? Pasta is carbs and carbs are sugar right? Sounds dangerous. So I asked the person who set up the lunch if I could eat first (I am sure she was skeptic of my story at first - I mean who doesn't WANT to be the first one at the pasta bar, but once I fully explained she was extra accomodating. Thanks Becky!).
Everyone I told before hand that I was getting a glucose test done was slightly worrying me about the taste - how nasty it was,etc. Well, I wouldn't really know the taste all that well since I pounded the maybe 8 oz drink like I was doing a Yager bomb. See I was stressing that I only had 5 minutes to get up to the doctor, check in, pee in a cup, etc. Contrary to what people think, I don't enjoy being late. I just somehow am - a lot. Anyway, we rush up there only to sit and wait for the doc for 40 mins. But you know and I know that the one time I am late they are going to make me reschedule. So I still feel good about my chugging decision.
My appointment went well and we got to hear Lily's heart again - that never gets old. She sounded kind of hopped up on sugar, but that may have just been me thinking that. Doc said she sounded in a normal range. I am measuring a bit big for the number of weeks I am - I went in at 28 weeks 3 days and measured at 30 weeks. Couple of possibilities for this - I cook babies fast (that is what I think), Kyle and I make big babies, or I could cool it a little bit on the extra calories. Either way, it's not anything to worry about and I will keep you posted on her size.
Well this blog entry has been long enough. For those of you not asleep yet, here is the blast from the past picture I promised. Enjoy!
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Pics from 27 weeks
Monday, February 1, 2010
Why start a blog?
Well for the record, this is Nicole, and I will be the primary blogger on this site (although I have promised Kyle that he may put political rants on here and that is what ultimately got him interested in our family having a blog)(I know - you all can't wait). I really wanted to start a blog because we are going through a major life change right now and want to document and remember it (maybe it's the scrapbooker in me). We are starting this blog a little late in the pregnancy game (I am 26 weeks and 1 day today!) so I may do some blogging about the past and then hopefully catch up and report currently. Oh - and I can't find the dang cord from my camera to the computer, so I hope to either find that soon or buy a new one, but I can't let it hold me back from starting this blog. But it may be sans pics for a little while. Thanks for tuning in. And thanks to Carrie for the great name suggestion!
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