Thursday, September 23, 2010

6 Months Old!

Lily is now 6 months old. Man how time has flown! At her 6 months doctor appointment, she weighed in at 15.4 pounds and was 26.5 inches long.

She is not yet sitting up on her own or rolling over, but we are working on both of these things at physical therapy and at home. Lately Lily has been a little fussy, so we have started some medication for reflux - here's hoping it helps! She didn't like it peppermint flavored, so we reflavored it grape - with only slightly better results. Kyle has figured out a way to get her to take it (since just putting it in her mouth was NOT working - she just let it all run out of her mouth while making a face), so I hope to report better news soon.
Here are some pics of her on her 6 month birthday - enjoy!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Friday, September 3, 2010

Here you go mom!

This video wouldn't post last time for some reason - so here it is now. Same cereal eating day. Watch how she attacks the spoon! I think she likes it.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Lily tried rice cereal for the first time on Saturday, August 28th. She did so well! I am proud that my daughter likes to eat!

Here are some pictures of her enjoying the experience. (I have saved you - Kyle and I literally took 50 pictures....and 4 videos).