Wednesday, June 23, 2010

3 Months Old

I can't believe that my baby is 3 months old already. I woke up on her 3 month birthday and dressed her right away so that I could have a photo shoot with her before work. Here is my big baby girl (now weighing in at 10.4 pounds).

Yeah...she didn't really like the bow...

In other milestone news, Kyle and I think she laughed on her 3 month birthday. It wasn't a full out belly laugh, but it was definitely a smile with a gurgle - we are counting it. Here are some ridiculously funny smile pictures.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Dress up for Aunt Heather

Aunt Heather and the boys came to visit me this Thursday, so I thought I should dress pretty. I had lots of fun with her and I let her carry me around the mall and sit in the back seat with me because I could tell that she wanted to. My mommy made her do tummy time with me, but I know that it was all my mommy's idea and not Aunt Heather's because Aunt Heather would never be that mean.

My cousins Nate and Ryan thought I was awesome too. Nate said that my pinkie toe looked as little as a popcorn "nut" (I think he meant kernel, but I didn't correct him). Ryan wanted to sit by me at dinner so he could check on me. And he was careful to sanitize his hands before touching me.

Mommy, Aunt Heather and I also went to check out the hotel that Aunt Heather, Uncle Pat, the boys and Bella stayed in. Pretty fancy for Comstock Park. They even had a pool! I let the front desk lady touch my arm so that she would give mommy a cookie. Hey - whatever my mom eats, I eat, right!?!

It was fun having them around - come back anytime! Here are some pictures we took while they were here.

Fun Weekend

The Meades sure did have a fun weekend. Kyle went to Wisconsin for the weekend for his friend Ryan's wedding. From the phone calls I got from him and based on the shape he was in when he got home, I'd say he had a lot of fun partying with his friends. We don't have any pictures of that to post because the camera has to stay with the baby. What if she does something cute? You gotta be ready. I know he missed Lily and I! And we missed him.

But we did have a fun time this weekend. Grammie came up to babysit Lily on Friday while I worked - she even drove me to work so Lily could come and visit the office. Here she is with my officemate Laura.
Look how good she is. Shouldn't I be able to bring her to work everyday?
Grammie stayed for the whole weekend to have fun. We went to the farmer's market and garage saling. We bought LOTS of books and a couple of cute outfits for Lily. Who can pass up 50 cent tutus? See? Lily loves her new pretties.
And then we had a cook out for fathers day with Grandpa. Thanks for doing all the cooking Grandpa!
Seriously, thank you mom for all your help this weekend! It was great hanging out with you and dad!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Look what I can do

Lily started smiling at us on Friday! Not just gas smiles - REAL smiles when we are smiling at her or tickling her. So much fun!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

So Much in So Little

I know, I know - I need to post more. Sorry! But wouldn't you rather be holding this cute muffin than blog?

So much has happened in the short amount of time since my last post. The biggest and most important news - the monitor is gone! CareLinc came and took it yesterday. Now we just have to worry about her while she sleeps like normal new parents.

Lily got her 2 month vaccines 2 weeks ago. Both her and her mommy did a great job - guess which one didn't even cry? She weighed in at 8 pounds even at this doctor's visit, but since that was 2 weeks ago, she weighs 8.6 pounds now (per our super accurate bathroom scale). I am glad that she got a little meat on her bones before the shots. Check out this chubby thigh.

I started back to work this week, which is sort of sad, but Kyle got me a digital picture frame that I have loaded up with pictures of Lily. Like this one with her wearing her favorite onesie - because it had pictures of her mommy and daddy!

What else? Lily rolled over! She was on her tummy and rolled over onto her back. Sure it was because she was in a fit of rage, and true she hasn't come close since, and I was the only witness, but it happened! She was also able to hold a rattle...once we put it in her hand! Here is that exciting video:

(Yeah - I should turn down the TV next time. And yeah that onesie says "Daddy does my hair").

Can't think of much else to write, but do want to share more random cute pics!

Do you have tickets...for the gun show?

Sleepy milkface

Chillaxing with Daddy